jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2019

Props and costumes

Hi blogers, today I have created a slide share in which we show all the props that will appear in our trailer. we have also added the costumes that the main characters will be wearing or that we tink they are going to wear. 

These is the type of costumes and props that are usually seen in action movies. I Hope it is usefull and that you all enjoy.

miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2019


My team and I have decided that we are going to record our trailer in Jerez, this is because most of the things are in the city, so it is easier for us to meet there to film.

Most of us live there and we don´t have nany problems moving around and finding places to film.

We are filming where we filmed last year, so this is another reason why we are filming here.

The location we want to choose is a house with an office and a neighborhood, so we can film the story, because in our plot the two main dangerous characters.

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2019


Hello everyone, today we have been deciding the characters that will appear in our movie and why they would be the most indicated, that's why I created this presentation, I hope you like it.

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2019

Risk Evaluation

Hello everyone, today I have been doing an assessment of the risks we might have when recording our movie.This is a table that I created to see the risks during the recording of our film and how we could avoid them. I hope you like it!

Risk evaluation
What is the risk?
Who is at risk?
High or Low
How to avoid the risk?

Santi is going to simulate that he is selling “drugs” so the cops could arrest Santi due to this misunderstand-ing.


This one is very difficult to avoid because, we want to record this shot so if the police ask, I will need to talk with the police.

Lose something
Losing something also is a risk because if we lose some properties, we cannot use it for the next shot.

All of us

We need to be more attentive so try to minimize the loss of our properties.

Prevent injuries
Actors may stumble so they can be injured.


The actors should try to no stumble so this will prevent injuries, and this will help them to increase their satisfaction.

Camera can fall
The camera can fall and break so we couldn´t record or film the trailer.


People need to be careful with the camera.

Problem with the weather
If rains we can´t film our trailer so this will difficult, the filming of the trailer.


We need to look or find for a day without rain. The other solution is to record or film the trailer another day.

miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2019

Plot ideas

Hello bloggers, In recent days Angel and I have been thinking of different plot ideas for our progress. We have written our four favorites with their corresponding titles.

Borderless: a drug dealer is selling drugs when he is suddenly robbed.

Last Bullet: a soldier who wants to kill his brother's killer.

Revenge: a child sees how a thief kills his father and after pleading the innocent thief, becomes a policeman.

The magician: a computer scientist becomes the most wanted hacker in the world after he has been diagnosed with cancer.

We have finally decided to choose ``Borderless´´ which is about a drug dealer is selling drugs when he is suddenly robbed, as we believe we can get a good amount of viewers and it is the most interesting thing to film. We have also made a research and most of them said they would choose to see "Borderless" more than any other, which convinced us to go for that one.


1- Borderless: 50%
2- Last bullet: 30%
3- Revenge: 17%
4- The magician: 3%

Logo Desing

Hello bloggers, today me and my team have been working on logo designs. We have done research on logos previously and now we are gathering ideas from internet to create our own production. It has been quite a difficult task to design the logo and think about a logo that has not been used by other companies around the world before. I hope you like it.

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2019


Hello bloggers, today I have been researching on what type of lighting do they use in action films, I hope you alike it!

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2019

Shooting eqipment

Hi bloggers, today I had made a pawtoon  talking about the shooting equipment that we are going to use in our film, I hope you like it.

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2019

Audience profiling

Hi bloggers, today I created this poster with Piktochart, to show what audience, and the target we have chosen and why we think they are best suited for our film. We have collected the information from the questionnaires we have created for our audience research.


Audience Research - Action Genre

Hello Bloggers this is the audience research with my results, I hope you like it.

These are the questions that we have decided to include in our questionnarie:
  1. How old are you?
  2. What gender are you?
  3. Do you like movies?
  4. Why do you watch movies?
  5. Where do you see the movies?
  6. How often do you watch movies?
  7. Do you like going to the cinema?
  8. Do you like action movies?
  9. Do you watch action films?
  10. Action films make you feel excited?


These are the results:

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2019

Research on Action Convection

Hello everyone! Today I have been researching and creating a Emaze about the conventions used in acion movies. I hope this is useful and that it helps you to understand more the acion movies, and to be able to create a great breakthrough of the film.

Powered by emaze

What is our decision.

Hi everyone, today I have been discusing with my team mate about our different options of film genres for our film trailer.

We narrowed it down to 2 different types. We discarded romance because we were uncomfortable and we didn't have much interest and science fiction is very difficult with all the special effects you need to add and we don't have enough technology to do it properly.

Finally we decide that it would be best to make a horror or an action movie.

After a little discussion, we have decided to do action because most people like it and also because they find it more exciting, another reason of why we have chosen this genre is because it will be the most related to teenagers, which will be our target audience.

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

Production company logo research

Hello bloggers, today I'm going to talk about the production company logo, the logo is used by movie studios and television production companies to brand what they produce, to whether people can identify which company it is from. 

There are different production logos, the ones that you usually seen at the beginning of a theatrical movie or video game are called opening logo, or they can be at the end of a television program or TV movie which are colled a closing logo.

There are many logos that have become famous and that you probably know:

Walt Disney:

It is one of the most famous credit logos of our time. In 1995, Walt Disney Company. He presented his logo, the famous Cinderella Castle with a high arch line.This logo refers to fantasy and imagination

Resultado de imagen de disney logo

Warner bros:

This logo is quite well known, it is a bright yellow shield with the letters W and B while floating in the sky, the letters WB means Warner Bros, and they put this name because the last name is Warner and there are 4 brothers.

Imagen relacionada

Metro goldwyn Mayer:

Leo the Lion, from MGM. Two different versions of this logo were used: the extended version, with the lion roaring three times that was used from 1957 to 1960, and the standard version, with the lion roaring twice that was used since 1960 once again the film studio big, more glamorous and more revered

Resultado de imagen de metro goldwyn mayer


This logo is very successful because Paramount has had more than a century to expose its logo to people and that it is the second oldest film studio that is still running. That means that generations of people know the brand another reason is that it is a strong image, a mountain exudes strength and confidence and, as Paramount has been around for so long, the logo works perfectly for them.

Resultado de imagen de paramount

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2019

Analisis of film trailer 1

Hello everyone!!!, today, I have decided to analyse the trailer from a action film called "Contraband".

The movie is about a ex-contrabandist Chris Farraday who left the world of crime years ago, but is forced to return to the game after his brother-in-law, Andy, falls foul of a drug dealer during a drug deal, causing a large debt. With the help of his best friend, Chris gathers a team to travel to Panama and recover a fortune in fake tickets.

Camera shot and angles

In these trailer movie there are a lot of shots, the first shot that is shown in the trailer is an aerial shot of where the following scenes will take place, in this case it looks like a big city, probably New York. The shot is not very long, but immediately after we are shown the main character of the film tying to the torso with duct tape explaining what he is doing at the same that it is being shown with several images.

Aerial shots:

Show where the scenes will take place.


Long shot:

shot from a considerable distance, so that people appear as indistinct shapes. 

Over sholder shot:

Is also used during a conversation between two actors.


Two shots:

A shot in which two subjects appear in the frame.


Point of view shot:

Shows what a character is looking at.


There is also a long shot of him walking, a two reverse shot were we can see the protagonist having a conversation with another person,fade in, two shot with a girl that is maybe his wife, over sholder shot showing how the protagonist is wrapping her son in bed, medium close up of the protagonist, point of view shot and more aerial shots.

Lastly for the shots and angles, there are not many different angles shown in the trailer, most are low angles, in most cases of the protagonist, this kind of angle lets us know who has the power.


Camera movements:

There are a few camera movements, mostly tracking and dolly. These camera movements are used to follow a character and show the audience where the character is going, or doing.

Camera editing:

Nearly all the shot in the trailer are fast cutting, to make it seem as if time passed really quickly. There are a few shot reverse shots which show the faces of the characters when they are having conversations between each other. There is also some fade outs and fade in to transition between scenes.



Throughout the whole trailer there is dialogue between the characters which is diegetic sound, but there is also a song in the background which is non-diegetic.