domingo, 6 de octubre de 2019

Analisis of film trailer 1

Hello everyone!!!, today, I have decided to analyse the trailer from a action film called "Contraband".

The movie is about a ex-contrabandist Chris Farraday who left the world of crime years ago, but is forced to return to the game after his brother-in-law, Andy, falls foul of a drug dealer during a drug deal, causing a large debt. With the help of his best friend, Chris gathers a team to travel to Panama and recover a fortune in fake tickets.

Camera shot and angles

In these trailer movie there are a lot of shots, the first shot that is shown in the trailer is an aerial shot of where the following scenes will take place, in this case it looks like a big city, probably New York. The shot is not very long, but immediately after we are shown the main character of the film tying to the torso with duct tape explaining what he is doing at the same that it is being shown with several images.

Aerial shots:

Show where the scenes will take place.


Long shot:

shot from a considerable distance, so that people appear as indistinct shapes. 

Over sholder shot:

Is also used during a conversation between two actors.


Two shots:

A shot in which two subjects appear in the frame.


Point of view shot:

Shows what a character is looking at.


There is also a long shot of him walking, a two reverse shot were we can see the protagonist having a conversation with another person,fade in, two shot with a girl that is maybe his wife, over sholder shot showing how the protagonist is wrapping her son in bed, medium close up of the protagonist, point of view shot and more aerial shots.

Lastly for the shots and angles, there are not many different angles shown in the trailer, most are low angles, in most cases of the protagonist, this kind of angle lets us know who has the power.


Camera movements:

There are a few camera movements, mostly tracking and dolly. These camera movements are used to follow a character and show the audience where the character is going, or doing.

Camera editing:

Nearly all the shot in the trailer are fast cutting, to make it seem as if time passed really quickly. There are a few shot reverse shots which show the faces of the characters when they are having conversations between each other. There is also some fade outs and fade in to transition between scenes.



Throughout the whole trailer there is dialogue between the characters which is diegetic sound, but there is also a song in the background which is non-diegetic.

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