miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2019

Plot ideas

Hello bloggers, In recent days Angel and I have been thinking of different plot ideas for our progress. We have written our four favorites with their corresponding titles.

Borderless: a drug dealer is selling drugs when he is suddenly robbed.

Last Bullet: a soldier who wants to kill his brother's killer.

Revenge: a child sees how a thief kills his father and after pleading the innocent thief, becomes a policeman.

The magician: a computer scientist becomes the most wanted hacker in the world after he has been diagnosed with cancer.

We have finally decided to choose ``Borderless´´ which is about a drug dealer is selling drugs when he is suddenly robbed, as we believe we can get a good amount of viewers and it is the most interesting thing to film. We have also made a research and most of them said they would choose to see "Borderless" more than any other, which convinced us to go for that one.


1- Borderless: 50%
2- Last bullet: 30%
3- Revenge: 17%
4- The magician: 3%

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