jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2019

Props and costumes

Hi blogers, today I have created a slide share in which we show all the props that will appear in our trailer. we have also added the costumes that the main characters will be wearing or that we tink they are going to wear. 

These is the type of costumes and props that are usually seen in action movies. I Hope it is usefull and that you all enjoy.

miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2019


My team and I have decided that we are going to record our trailer in Jerez, this is because most of the things are in the city, so it is easier for us to meet there to film.

Most of us live there and we don´t have nany problems moving around and finding places to film.

We are filming where we filmed last year, so this is another reason why we are filming here.

The location we want to choose is a house with an office and a neighborhood, so we can film the story, because in our plot the two main dangerous characters.

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2019


Hello everyone, today we have been deciding the characters that will appear in our movie and why they would be the most indicated, that's why I created this presentation, I hope you like it.

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2019

Risk Evaluation

Hello everyone, today I have been doing an assessment of the risks we might have when recording our movie.This is a table that I created to see the risks during the recording of our film and how we could avoid them. I hope you like it!

Risk evaluation
What is the risk?
Who is at risk?
High or Low
How to avoid the risk?

Santi is going to simulate that he is selling “drugs” so the cops could arrest Santi due to this misunderstand-ing.


This one is very difficult to avoid because, we want to record this shot so if the police ask, I will need to talk with the police.

Lose something
Losing something also is a risk because if we lose some properties, we cannot use it for the next shot.

All of us

We need to be more attentive so try to minimize the loss of our properties.

Prevent injuries
Actors may stumble so they can be injured.


The actors should try to no stumble so this will prevent injuries, and this will help them to increase their satisfaction.

Camera can fall
The camera can fall and break so we couldn´t record or film the trailer.


People need to be careful with the camera.

Problem with the weather
If rains we can´t film our trailer so this will difficult, the filming of the trailer.


We need to look or find for a day without rain. The other solution is to record or film the trailer another day.

miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2019

Plot ideas

Hello bloggers, In recent days Angel and I have been thinking of different plot ideas for our progress. We have written our four favorites with their corresponding titles.

Borderless: a drug dealer is selling drugs when he is suddenly robbed.

Last Bullet: a soldier who wants to kill his brother's killer.

Revenge: a child sees how a thief kills his father and after pleading the innocent thief, becomes a policeman.

The magician: a computer scientist becomes the most wanted hacker in the world after he has been diagnosed with cancer.

We have finally decided to choose ``Borderless´´ which is about a drug dealer is selling drugs when he is suddenly robbed, as we believe we can get a good amount of viewers and it is the most interesting thing to film. We have also made a research and most of them said they would choose to see "Borderless" more than any other, which convinced us to go for that one.


1- Borderless: 50%
2- Last bullet: 30%
3- Revenge: 17%
4- The magician: 3%

Logo Desing

Hello bloggers, today me and my team have been working on logo designs. We have done research on logos previously and now we are gathering ideas from internet to create our own production. It has been quite a difficult task to design the logo and think about a logo that has not been used by other companies around the world before. I hope you like it.