sábado, 21 de marzo de 2020

Evaluation question 4

How did you integrate technologies such as software, hardware and online in this project?


jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Evaluation question 2

Hello everyone, these is my evaluation question 2, How do elements of your production work together to create a sense of "Branding", I hope you like it.

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020


Hello bloggers, We edit our trailers with our computers. The program we used to edit the trailers was iMovie, this program is easy to use and very useful where we can edit our trailer in our own way. At AS we learned how to edit so we already had experience editing the videos, at iMovie we can create movies with initial titles and editing techniques for scene transitions.

In A2 we have developed our skills and we have gone a little further with our editing techniques, we have also used other programs such as Photoshop to edit the titles and some images of our scenes and thus give it a more professional look, both programs are very useful for edit our trailers and make them look more realistic. I have enjoyed the process and also the obstacles that we have had to overcome because we have learned a lot along the way.

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020

Promoting our movie

Hello bloggers, today to promote our film, we have created an Instagram page. We have chosen this type of promotion as it is one of the most famous to reach a wide target audience. Social networks today are more famous and attractive to young people, by using Instagram we can reach a young audience where they surely like this type of movie more.We have also made T-shirts with the logo of our company and with the poster of the movie

These is our social medias:


These is our T shirts:

Shot list

Hello bloggers, these is our shot list i hope you like it.

Shot number
Shot type

Medium close-up

Capo´s den
In the first shot we can see how the capo is cleaning a gun

Over the shoulder shot

Capo´s den
The camera is located in the shoulder of the bodyguard to see the face of the capo


Capo´s den

In this shot we can see the three main characters of the trailer
Medium close u-p
Capo´s den

The camera focus in the face of the bodyguard


Capo´s den

Here we can see both persons. The bodyguard and the capo


Capo´s den

In this shot we can see the three main characters of the trailer

Full shot or tracking shot


The camera slowly moves towards the protagonist, in order to have a full shot


Protagonist's house
Here you can see how the protagonist takes the pistol

Point of view

Protagonist's house

You can see here how the protagonist makes the drug

Point of view

The protagonist is driving his motorbike to sell the drug

Point of view

The protagonist gives the drug and collects the money


Protagonist's house
The protagonist is melting the drug using a spoon
Mid shot
Capo´s den
A shot taken at a medium distance
Capo´s den

Shows the view of the sea

Point of view shot

Shows that one person is running because he seems to be afraid

Mid shot

Capo´s den
Here you can see the capo talking with the phone in his den
The protagonist is pointed with a pistol


Capo´s den
Here you can see the facial aspect of the protagonist
Capo´s den
Here you can see the Capo and the bodyguard


Capo´s den
You can see in this shot, the capo aiming at the camera with the gun

Final website

Today we decided to start creating our website, to create our website we have decided to use Wix, since it is one of the best and most recommended. At first it is a little difficult to understand how the program works, but then you learn how to use it correctly. During the creation of the website we had some difficulties, such as adding the images and putting our information. But we finally managed to create the website.

If you want to see it, click on this link!

Working in our website

Hello bloggers, today we have been working on the website, we have decided to create it on a platform that is very famouse ``wix.com´´, we had decide to do it here because is easier than others platfforms, it has a wide variety of options and is very easy for people to access, I hope you like it.

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2020

Filming day 2

Hello everyone, on the second day of recording, we stayed in Jerez de la Frontera, towards a cloudy day and there was not much sun, we had to stay early because one of the actors could not record in the afternoon and we had the time very Right, when we got to the place to record we started to prepare things while we waited for one of the secondary characters, when we finished preparing everything to start recording, he called us saying he was lost and I had to go look for him, he finally gave us time to record everything without any problem.

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

Filming day 1

Hello everyone, for the first day of recording, we go to the Puerto of Santa Maria to record the first scenes, we had a sunny day with a little wind but we had no problem since we were going to record inside the house, when we finished these scenes we went outside to record, when we were recording one of the scenes outside suddenly an older woman approached us and called our attention for going with a gun, but we kindly explained that it was a fake gun and that we were recording a trailer and finally nothing happened.